Happy Holidays & New Music

The holidays are always busy, but we have a few early gifts here at Typewriter Studio!

Our first full-length recording that was entirely mixed here at the studio by Mark Martyre and Myke Mazzei has been released: “London” is available now and sounds great! A few overdubs were recorded here as well, and you can listen to a sample from the album, just click play below. We’re very excited to have our inaugural album released so soon after opening our doors. Keep your eyes peeled for more great albums in the new year!

We’ve also acquired a new instrument (a Fender Jazz Squier bass!) from Currie’s Music & Collectibles in Gravenhurst. If you’re near Gravenhurst at any time, you should definitely check out Currie’s — they have tonnes of vinyl, great prices on instruments and equipment, and a cornucopia of intriguing antiques. They also have live music on a regular basis (!!) and are just all-around nice folks.

fender jazz squier bass

new fender jazz squier bass, ensconced in velvet!

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Filed under albums, gear, instruments, myke mazzei, recording, studio

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