Tag Archives: music

New Recordings from Typewriter Studio

We’re pretty chuffed to be part of the albums of some pretty fantastic artists. Mark Martyre recently released his 4th studio album, “Bluebird”, which was largely recorded and mixed at Typewriter Studio. Similar to Dylan’s partnership with The Band, Mark decided to have The Bad Apples as his backing band, plus Darren Baldwin on keys on this recording. It was a fun process, recording as much live-off-the-floor as we could in order to give the album that old-school feel of a band playing together. Give a listen (and buy it!) on Bandcamp.


We also had a chance, recently, to hear the first master of Lara Martin’s upcoming album, “When We Were Light”. This album was fully recorded and mixed at Typewriter Studio, and features the many talents of Lara’s band, Larimar, as well as a great group of vocalists who came in to lay down the many-layered, lush harmony sections on the album. It hasn’t been formally released yet, but it will be coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

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Filed under albums, lara martin, mark martyre, recording

Fall Special — Folk Music Ontario!

For a limited time, we’re offering a special rate: one song for $200!!! Contact us and let’s discuss the best way to make this happen — this deal is especially meant for those musicians who are attending the Folk Music Ontario conference, but others can take advantage as well in the spirit of what FMO is all about: community fostering talent.

This incredible deal is for singer-songwriters/duos to record one complete song, regardless of how long it takes. If you’re a full band, you can do the same for just $300. As much studio time as is needed to complete the song to your satisfaction! At the end you will have a fully mixed, final version that you can master and release as a single, give to fans, use for grant applications, or use for promotional/publicity purposes. You may also, if you’d like, receive the full Pro Tools files and stems in WAV format. That gives you the flexibility to change any aspect of the song in the future, if you’d like.

So get in touch: graydon@typewriterstudio.com. This is a limited time special offer!

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Filed under limited time deal, recording, studio